



1. 免费:与许多其他网站搭建工具不同,安企CMS是免费的。用户不必花费任何资金就可以创建自己的网站。

2. 简单易用:安企CMS的界面简单直观,使用起来非常容易。即使是没有编程经验的用户也能够轻松地创建自己的网站。

3. 可定制性强:安企CMS允许用户完全控制其网站的外观和功能。用户可以选择模板、插件和其他工具来定制自己的网站。

4. 可扩展性强:安企CMS是基于模块化架构构建的。用户可以选择添加不同的模块来扩展其网站的功能。这意味着,用户不必从头开始重新创建自己的网站,而可以通过添加适当的模块来增强其网站。


English Version:

How much does it cost to build a website for free?

For beginners, building their own website can be a tedious and expensive task. However, in today's digital age, there are many free tools and platforms available to easily build your own website.

Among them, one of the most popular website building tools is AnqiCMS. AnqiCMS is an open-source content management system based on PHP that can help users easily create, maintain, and manage their website content.

Compared to other website building tools, AnqiCMS has the following advantages:

1. Free: Unlike many other website building tools, AnqiCMS is free. Users do not have to spend any money to create their own website.

2. Simple and easy to use: AnqiCMS has a simple and intuitive interface that is very easy to use. Even users with no programming experience can easily create their own website.

3. Strong customization: AnqiCMS allows users to have full control over the appearance and functionality of their website. Users can choose templates, plugins, and other tools to customize their website.

4. Strong scalability: AnqiCMS is built on a modular architecture. Users can choose to add different modules to extend the functionality of their website. This means that users do not have to recreate their website from scratch, but can enhance their website by adding the appropriate modules.

In summary, AnqiCMS is a free, easy-to-use, customizable, and scalable website building tool. If you are considering creating your own website, AnqiCMS is definitely worth a try.